During one trip to mall, Layla handed an envelope to a woman. "She was about to give it back, but I said, 'No, she is your secret Santa.' The lady began crying and looked into her envelope, filled with $100," says Roberts. "Even I was struggling as a single parent at that time." Amazingly, the woman gave Roberts the $100 back, and added another $100 on top of that. "It felt so good to give it to her, and the feeling of receiving was a different feeling. So now I know the gift of giving and receiving. When you actually need, receiving is such a big blessing. I wanted others to experience that same feeling."
Roberts and her fiance, Dr. Justin Turner, created 4EverCaring, a non-profit based in Jackson, in late 2016. 4EverCaring meets the needs of those who are less fortunate. Whether they need help paying a few bills, or need help understanding financial responsibility, 4EverCaring is here to help. Roberts and Turner recently held a "Who's Your Santa" Christmas Benefit Ball, centered around the beautiful gift of giving. "I chose ten families and went and interviewed them. We focused on what they needed, not what they wanted. I passed each list to a Secret Santa, who each had a team of 10 people. Each team raised money however they could creatively, and they were able to bless each of these families." Over 40 people were truly blessed that evening. The families had the opportunity to meet their Secret Santa and thank them for their incredible gifts.
2017 promises to be a wonderful year as well. "We will have the Ball again this year, but we want to do something for the community for back-to-school as well," smiles Roberts. "We want to bless the community with school supplies and uniforms for at least four families."
Roberts daughter, Layla, is now 7-years-old, and has received the giving spirit from her mother. "She has been able to see the impact of giving to others, and to hear her talk about our non-profit and the Christmas Ball is incredible. She was watching and took it all in. That was the best feeling ever; knowing she understood the beauty of giving."