June 13-15, 2019
*Limited seating available for all 4 private dinners. $125 per person*
- Private Chef Dinner: Lou's Full Serv, Featuring Chefs Louis LaRose, Mike Greenhill, Hunter Evans, Jason Goodenough and Robert St. John with Randy Ford of Cristom Vineyards.
- Private Chef Dinner : The Cedars, Featuring Chefs Derek Emerson, Mitch McCamey, Austin Sumrall, Ty Thames and Alex Harrell with Eric Swindle of Crimson Wine Group.
- Private Chef Dinner: Albert’s at Parlor Market, Featuring Chefs Alex Eaton, Robert Rushton, Vishwesh Bhatt, Gray Townsend and Alejandra Mamud with wine pairings from International Wine.
- Private Chef Dinner: Brent's, Featuring Chefs Jesse Houston, David Bancroft, Misti Norris, Paul Adair, Hunter Evans and Bennett Lewis with wine pairings from Magnolia Barrelhouse.
- CRAFT BEER FEST: Duling Ave in Fondren, Featuring over 100 craft beers from three-dozen breweries available for sampling. Special emphasis is placed on breweries within Mississippi and regional breweries with brewery representatives on hand to discuss their products and brewing methods.
** Designated driver tickets will be available at the gate for $15. This is a 21 and up event. ID is required.
- GRAND TASTING: Duling Ave in Fondren, Featuring highlighted chefs from the previous nights' private dinners as well as added chefs, wineries and mixologists throughout the Southern restaurant community. Special themed and decorated areas will feature all the wonderful food resources Mississippi offers from the Coast to the Delta and everything in between.
** This event will also be held in the tented area on Duling Ave with entertaining live music in the center cocktail bistro. We love babies and pets but ask that you leave them at home. No strollers, pets or smoking are legally allowed under the tent. No alcohol will be served at any event to anyone under 21 years of age.