The Junior League of Jackson is an organization of women who are committed to volunteering, developing the potential of young women, and giving back to their communities. The Junior League of Jackson does this by taking initiative and implementing leadership through trained volunteers. The League was founded in January of 1941 and is the sixth largest League in the Association of Junior Leagues International. The money raised from Mistletoe Marketplace helps to improve the lives of those directly in our community by delivering services and assistance to anyone in need.
Mistletoe Marketplace is an event where small business owners and merchants can sign up to become a vendor and display their items in their very own booth. Those from all over attend Mistletoe Marketplace as a merchant because of how supportive The League and shoppers are. Shoppers also from all over travel to Jackson, Mississippi for the Mistletoe Marketplace just to experience its holiday festivities.
What makes Mistletoe Marketplace so special is it really brings the community together by allowing local and corporate businesses to become sponsors and to be involved. Being involved in a holiday event like Mistletoe Marketplace really reminds you of what the true meaning of holiday spirit is, and everyone becomes one big family. Anyone who is involved puts their hearts and soul into Mistletoe and it really does show!
This year’s Mistletoe Marketplace is being held from November 1st up until November 4th, which is the perfect way to kick off the holiday season! The 2023 Mistletoe Marketplace Steering Committee has been working extremely hard for almost 14 months, day, and night, to make sure that the event is everything people wish for and to ensure that their community comes first. It truly is a magical event that with such amazing cause. Tickets go on sale September 1st, 2023 so make sure to follow along with Mistletoe Marketplace on Instagram @mistletoemarketplace or on their website for updates on the event or how to become involved. And remember y’all to get inspired!