The Butterfly Ball is an opportunity for the community to really get behind and support Canopy’s mission. 1 in 5 children struggle with their mental health and 4 out of 5 never get the help that they need. Last year Canopy served nearly 6,500 children, but they know over 130,000 children in Mississippi need their help and they cannot do that without the help of the community. This ball is one way to help Canopy do that, not only to raise money but to raise awareness, and bring the community alongside their efforts to help children and families in our state.
This year’s event, chaired by Carla Lewis and Katie Puckett Ginn, will take place at The Westin Jackson on Saturday, October 8, 2022. Patrons will enjoy a seated dinner with a live and silent auction, and a big band with a musical performance that will be one to remember.
“To understand the need for Butterfly Ball, people need to know about how Canopy’s impact is part of the fabric of Mississippi, transforming thousands of lives every year. If you are looking to impact change and help Mississippi children, then this event is for you,” said Heidi Noel, Senior Director of Advancement for Canopy.
Support Canopy’s mission to make sure every child can have the opportunity to become a success story. Visit to get tickets and other ways to support Canopy Children’s Solutions.