And I have to say, we have a couple of really great kids!” Michael Barrett of Barrett Photography
Dads are a tremendous source of strength, laughter and encouragement. This Sunday, we hope you celebrate all of the extraordinary men in your life on Father’s Day. We reached out to some of our favorite fathers for a personal photo, and asked them to share their thoughts on what it truly means to be a dad. “I'm not sure there is anything that has widened my perspective more than being a Dad. I feel softer and stronger, my days feel longer yet more complete, and I feel younger and heck of a lot older. All in all, the biggest mark I hope I leave on this world is a legacy to my kids that Jesus is everything and we are to spend every day loving others well.” Robby Followell of Followell Fotography "To whom much is given, much is required..." Derrick Hicks of Carlyn Photography “Looking back at the past 4 years I really can’t imagine not being a dad. The joy and happiness that Jase and John Stephen bring to my life is such a blessing. God has really gifted me with two wonderful boys. My prayer every day is to raise them to have a foundation of God’s love and to smile for Jesus!” Jeff Chao of Chao Photography “My favorite memories of our kids come from the summers we spent at the beach. It was all very low-tech and simple, some visits we never turned on the TV and rarely even moved the car, once we parked it. Our vacations were all about our just being together and having fun with each other. This image that Dianne took of the kids and me is probably my favorite “Dad” image of our bunch (Thanks, Dianne!). I’ve always wanted to be a good father, like mine was, and do my share to maintain and improve the next generation. I hope I’ve contributed. If I’ve only taught them to work hard and have fun doing it, then I’m happy, but if I’ve instilled in them a little of the joy of knowing God then I’m thoroughly satisfied. And I’m pretty satisfied. And I have to say, we have a couple of really great kids!” Michael Barrett of Barrett Photography {Blog by Mitchell Walters}
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March 2024