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{Tell us the story of how Modern Revival Rentals got started?} "Looking in the rear-view mirror there are so many things that led me down this path to open Modern Revival. I love moments like this in life where things that seemed so insignificant at the time, looking back are really the road signs leading you to your purpose." "Growing up I always helped my mom decorate for parties and weddings. She has amazing taste and always thinks outside the box, so each event was more like a fun art project to me. When it came time for my wedding my Mom and I wanted to go all out and create an experience for our guests avoiding the traditional southern wedding decor." "As we both came up with ideas and our overall vision we started to run into problems finding rental companies that had what we were looking for. Not that they didn't have beautiful inventory, it just wasn't what we had in mind. After much searching we ended up having to make and buy several pieces of our own. That's when we realized Mississippi had a need for "outside the box" event rentals." "That summer was pretty much the conception of MR, I just didn't know it yet. Several years later as I became more and more unfulfilled with my 9-5 career I started praying for God to show me what to do next. After 8 months of deep prayer God gave me the courage to leave my job of 6 plus years to open the ~rental boutique~ now known as Modern Revival." "Ever since that leap of faith He has placed several unbelievable and life changing people in my path to help MR come to be. Without people like, my small business advisor, James Bennett and Juanita Martin, the lady who randomly called me out of the blue to see if I wanted to put my Showroom in her store in Canton, Modern Revival would not be where it is today! There is no doubt in my mind God had everything to do with building the relationships I have with all of these fabulous faith driven people I have had the opportunity to meet over the past couple of years!" "So long story short, Modern Revival was created to provide locals with more affordable, “MODERN” day event rental options. Southerner’s love any reason to host a party, especially in Mississippi where everyone’s spring and summer are booked with showers, weddings, and celebrations galore. Traditional decor is great for some people, but for people like myself who love originality and believe that every event should be a reflection of its maker, I felt our event industry could benefit from a good ole southern “REVIVAL”. What a better time than now? When everything vintage is in, retro’s alive, modern is sleek, and rustic equals true beauty!" Thank you to Vanessa Case with Modern Revival Rentals for this Insider Inspiration!
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March 2024