Personal style is just that. Personal. It is a development of who we are and how comfortable we feel in our skin. I think it is something that is a gut reaction to the world that surrounds us. I think it develops and gets better with age but I think it all about the desire to feel comfortable about who are you. Not confident necessarily, but comfortable. There is a difference.
{When considering redecorating, what rooms would you prioritize?}
Prioritizing a home is a very individual matter, so it does depend on the individual's wants and needs at the start of the project. In general, I recommend taking care of the spaces you spend the most time in first. For example, finish the master bedroom and family room before moving onto spaces you and your family spend less time in. I find that this approach ensures the energy of the home will settle faster.
{How do you approach using color in design?}
Personally, I love using color in bold, innovative ways. Of course, the amount of color incorporated into a room is going to be subject to the taste and comfort level of the individual client. My advice is to not be afraid of color! If you're a little weary, start small and move forward to incorporating more color through various design elements. I don't find anything wrong with a neutral palette that has texture and development, but I do think people tend to adore color but hesitate to incorporate bold, colorful accent pieces into their home simply because they're scared!
{How do you feel about incorporating patterns into a space?}
My entire approach to mixing patterns and textures is to ensure the elements are blending, not necessarily matching. It is all about playing around to find what works and allowing things in a room to meld together. Scale is a huge piece of the equation, I tend to go a little crazy initially and scale down to the final product of patterns and textures that creates a really nice symphony of elements in a space.