Keep Mississippi Beautiful is an organization that is a certified state affiliate of Keep America Beautiful Inc., which is one of the nation’s largest community improvement organizations. Keep Mississippi Beautiful strives to educate Mississippians on how to improve and restore all that our state has to offer. KMB teaches easy and simple ways to keep our state beautiful like the prevention of littering and promoting recycling. This truly is an amazing organization that inspires Mississippians every day!
Keep Mississippi Beautiful is a very hands-on organization as well. Their mission is to take action every day to improve, impact, and beautify their community. One way volunteers work directly within the community is by cleaning up affected areas through the pick-up and prevention of littering. KMB also donates trailers to local sheriff’s department to help with litter cleanup programs.
KMB also works to improve all the beauty within our state. They work with the Great American Cleanup and other projects to clean up and green local communities. Through the Wildflower Trails of Mississippi project, seeds are offered to create a beautiful aesthetic of public places, roadsides, and community parks.
Keep Mississippi Beautiful also works with the Mississippi Recycling Coalition, local businesses, and communities to remind Mississippians the importance recycling. They host hazardous waste collections days and promote other ways and resources on how to recycle.
Keep Mississippi Beautiful is a very important and much needed organization that wants nothing more than to keep our state beautiful and restore all of its breathtaking landscapes. There are several ways for anyone to get involved like volunteering or joining an affiliate near you. Make sure to check out their website at for more information on how to become involved and to keep up with their upcoming events. This is an amazing way to not only give back to our state but to also get inspired!