Amy Head Cosmetics is a beloved Mississippi makeup line, featuring a gorgeous array of products. "I have known I had a gift for color and a very sharp sensibility for fashion since I was three-years-old," reflects owner Amy Head. "It wasn't until I began modeling that I really started studying natural makeup. Through the trial and error of self-study and my husband’s camera, I developed the techniques and concepts that are used today at Amy Head Cosmetics.”
We asked Amy a few of our burning makeup questions and today she graciously shares her expert advice with all of us:
How do I keep my eyes from looking tired?
"People often ask me, 'How can I make my eyes pop without them looking overdone?' The word tired is used a lot. One of the first basic pieces of information is knocking the tired off and being able to build eyes so they look natural and stay on.
~ First, you must apply foundation on the entire eye socket first. Paint on that whole area and set with some powder. This immediately gives you a clean canvas, your eye color comes out and you will have spark every time.
~ Next, there must be something that gives color in the face. And I'm not talking about eye makeup yet. Sweep some blush on the apples of your cheeks. It gives spark to eyes and looks really natural and pretty. You could also add an all over deeper-toned powder or bronzer to add life to your eyes.
~ Eyebrows! If you can't see them very well or they seem kind of vague on the face, give the top edge of the brow a little clarity with some brow shadow. Not darker, but a little clarity. Your brow will pop and wake the whole eye socket up! You aren't changing your brows, just giving the illusion of more definition. I prefer a brow shadow rather than a pencil. It makes the eyes wake up, look bigger and more lifted.
~ Lastly, mascara, of course! If you do these other steps, the rest of your makeup can be super minimal. The result will be a fresh and pretty look!"
"Yes! But there is a big condition that you have to meet or you run the risk of shrinking the eye. Use a product along the top lash line that is dark. It can be black. BUT, be sure that the bottom liner is at least 50% less intense than the top color. Your eyes will not look smaller or harsh. It's all about balance."
"There are two important areas for using blush: where it goes and choosing the right color.
~ Where should you apply blush? You can always trust the journey being from top of the ear sweeping in toward the nostril. It will never be too high nor too low if you follow that path.
~ What color should I choose? At its most most natural, blush should repeat a tone in your body. So if you have natural pink in your chest, repeat that pink onto your cheeks. It almost looks like natural skintone - not just blush. If you want something different and more of a bronze tone, make sure you repeat the color twice in the face. You can repeat the color onto your lips or in an eye shadow. That way, you have created a tight connection and the color looks amazing. The key to blush is repeating the tone - whether it naturally exists in your skin or it is something that you paint on. It always works and you can always count on it."
Photographs by Harold Head Photography.