Why is Memorial Day so important to you?
“Everything this country has accomplished, or has the potential to
accomplish, is founded in the sacrifice of her Veterans. Everything that ‘We
The People’ decide to tell our government ‘Of the People, By the People, and
For the People’ to do is rooted to grave sites of American Veterans around
the world. We forget that the United States of America was born through
blood spilled by her own people, and that freedom maintained by the blood of
their sons and daughters. So on Memorial Day, we remember and honor the
Veterans who died in service to this country, as well as their families.”
want to serve your country?
“With parents that met and married in the Marine Corps, it came quite
naturally. It was never a matter of 'if,' it was a matter of 'how' to
serve...and I believe that one person can make a difference. Mississippi
National Guard is the best job I've ever had.”
country in the National Guard?
“24 killed in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan for the Mississippi Army
National Guard. 2 killed in service to the state during the MSNG emergency
response to Hurricanes Katrina and Gustav.”
For more information on our fallen Mississippi soldiers, please visit the Mississippi National Guard Hall of Heroes here.
Memorial Day?
“This is the hardest question...I believe that only those that have lost a
Service Member during war have wisdom to share with another grieving family.
The rest of us can only show respect and gratitude, knowing that their pain
is rooted in their Service Member's love of this country.”
“The greatest civic obligation of an American is also one of their greatest
rights: the right to vote. To have their will expressed through the ballot
box...not just in the national elections but where it matters most, at home.
We honor those who paved the way by participating in the process they fought
to preserve. So I say to go vote, in every election. Your voice counts, and
you honor their service.”
Our thoughts and prayers are with all of our brave soldiers and their incredibly strong families this Memorial Day.