When the glamourous lights of the pageant fade each year, contestants leave Vicksburg teeming with invaluable skills. They truly emerge as role models. “They learn incredible interview skills and grow as individuals. Each contestant is involved in her community and they all raise money for the Children’s Miracle Network,” says Blackledge. Through their style, service, scholarship and success, each contestant leaves a piece of the Miss Mississippi legacy with every person they encounter.
2017 marks the 60th crowning of Miss Mississippi in the historic city of Vicksburg. Through Vicksburg’s commitment and generous support, an extraordinary number of scholarships are presented each year, encouraging these young women to pursue higher education and start promising careers. “We are one of the top cash providers of the entire Miss Mississippi organization year in and year out,” says Blackledge proudly.
This year’s pageant promises to be spectacular. “We are going to have former Miss Mississippis involved in every aspect of the week. The show will celebrate Miss Mississippi 2016, Laura Lee Lewis, and all of our past royalty. They will make up our panel of judges, perform, sign autographs and host the pageant,” smiles Blackledge. “This will be a special year and the first of its kind for the Miss Mississippi Pageant!”
The Miss Mississippi Pageant will be held this Saturday, June 24th, at the Vicksburg Convention Center. For more information on the Miss Mississippi Pageant, please visit www.missmississippipageant.com