The 10-episode web series was created by Roger Stolle and Jeff Konkel, who collaborated on award-winning documentaries M for Mississippi and We Juke Up in Here. In their new reality series, Konkel and Stolle travel throughout the Mississippi Delta in search of juke joints, parties, moonshiners, soul food, and of course, the musicians who continue celebrating the blues in its birthplace. "The show will feature a wide range of musicians both celebrated and obscure. Featured artists include James 'Super Chikan' Johnson, Leo Bud Welch, Robert 'Bilbo' Walker, Mark 'Muleman' Massey, Terry 'Harmonica' Bean, Lucious Spiller, Louis 'Gearshifter' Youngblood and many more."
"The feedback from around the world has been nothing short of amazing," marvels series co-creator/host Konkel. "It seems that our weekly 'reality show' format has really hit home with fans of blues music, Southern culture and good old-fashioned road trips."
The show is a joint production of Cat Head Delta Blues & Folk Art and Broke & Hungry Records. "Rather than present just blues 'the genre' or blues 'the history,' our show strives to bring viewers on the road with us for a wild, Mississippi blues experience," says Stolle, the show's other creators/host. "Sure, the series has plenty of blues music and musicians, but it also has the people and places that inform the music — the culture that gives the blues its fun and funk."
There is already talk of a Season Two for the acclaimed series, and the hope is to find a permanent home on a cable TV or web streaming service outlet Stolle says, "The series could easily be expanded to include not only Mississippi but also its neighboring Southern states! There are a lot of stories left to tell."
Let's all celebrate Mississippi's blues! You can watch the groundbreaking series here!
All photographs courtesy of Lou Bopp