"Our story began November 8th, 2017, at a local sports grill. Mac was a regular at said grill and I stepped in for the first time in my life wondering what in the world got into my mind to meet Mac Flynt at this type of establishment on a Wednesday evening.
Back to the sports grill. No judgement whatsoever, but my first dates had always looked very different. They were usually full of fancy, but this one was the complete opposite. Mac wondered what we would actually have in common. He's all country - cowboy boots, country music, big trucks, hunting - the whole enchilada. And I'm, well... not. Mac walked into the 'date' with zero expectations and thinking it was just going to be fun to catch up. I walked in knowing that he was #husbandgoals and nervous as heck!
We're not crying, y'all are! Needless to say, Natalie and Mac made it down the aisle with nothing but smiles on their faces. "Walking down the aisle to my groom and him smiling and mouthing the woulds 'I love you.' It sounds so cheesy, but it was like the wold stopped and peace flooded every ounce of my being." It was a beautiful day filled with love, laughter, and God.