The Orphan Door is an active community impacting the lives of orphaned children, and they work specifically in Guatemala with Eagles Nest International Children's Home. In 2017, Once Upon A Fairytale Mother Daughter Princess Tea sold out in a few days, and fully funded the education program for every school-aged child at Eagles Nest International.
Astoundingly, every single person involved with The Orphan Door is a volunteer. Over 90 volunteers helped make the Fairytale Princess Tea a memorable evening, and they pour countless hours into the organization daily. "The Orphan Door and the success of the Princess Tea is entirely because of the Lord," says Blount in awe. "We are proof that He will go to incredible lengths to care for those He loves, even if that means calling volunteers in Jackson together to host a Tea so that children He dearly loves in Guatemala will have the opportunity to go to school."
Hair Boutique: Tracy Branch Agency | Catering, Florals, Lighting, & Rentals: Fresh Cut Catering & Floral
Dancers: Ballet Magnificat!
For more information on this inspirational organization and how you can get involved to support their cause, please visit The Orphan Door's website