Patricia says, “There are so many negative connotations associated with Mississippi and the South in general. Through my poems, I attempt to give a more positive glimpse into the southern way of life. All of my poems are inspired by my love of Mississippi and the southern way of life.”
Patricia’s poetry is getting noticed. She was recently honored with a resolution from the House of Representatives, and Governor Phil Bryant declared her an Official Goodwill Ambassador for Mississippi. Her lovely poem, Meet My Mississippi, will soon be up for consideration as the official state poem. We had the opportunity to talk with Patricia, and hear what sparks her passion for writing and our state!
“I always loved the experience of growing up in Mississippi, in the South and in the country, but I gained a much deeper appreciation for it when I went away to college and was away from it all for long periods of time.”
How did you end up in Boston for college?
“My mother always wanted my brother and I to attend school out of Mississippi, so that we could have a broader experience of life. My brother, who is three years older, was already at Boston University. He had very high praises of the school, so I soon followed."
“My parents were aging and there were things that I needed to come home to help them with. Also, I wanted my son, who was about to enter the third grade at the time of our move, to grow up in a slower paced, less hectic environment than what Memphis offered.”
How did you start writing poetry?
“It's really still very amazing to me how it all came about. I have loved poetry, since I was a very young child. My father would recite poetry to me while he was shaving and getting ready for work. But, I never really thought of writing my own poetry.
Tell us about your books! What inspired each and where can people find them?
"My first book, Reflections of a Mississippi Magnolia-A Life In Poems, was published February 2008.
My second book, My Magnolia Memories and Musings - In Poems was published in February 2012.
I call both books 'a celebration of the south and things southern.' Both books can be purchased online from Amazon or Barnes and Noble. Of course, any bookstore will order them for you."
"I call Southern Life the signature piece of my poetry, because it, basically, sums up the whole theme and feel of all of my poems. Southern Man and If Mississippi's In You are crowd favorites. But, I think that my personal favorite is Let's because it reflects an appreciation for the simple things in life."
What is your favorite thing about living in Mississippi?
"There are SO many things that I love about living in Mississippi!
We have some of the most beautiful landscapes and scenery that anyone can imagine.
I love all of the green, open spaces.
I love the warmth of the climate…and the people.
I love the values of home, faith and family that are deeply instilled
The food is some of the best in the world and our music is legendary."
Thank you, Patricia, for turning the beauty of our state into words. For more information on Patricia and her poetry, please visit her website here.