There are so many ways that you can become involved and invest in this wonderful organization and cafe. Head to their website for more information. And make sure to visit Refill Cafe In Jackson, Mississippi, when they re-open in the new year!.
J A C K S O N , M I S S I S S I P P I Refill Cafe is an incredible nonprofit workforce development cafe in the community of West Jackson. They opened late August 2019 and provide young adults who have fallen outside of the traditional school system with the skills and opportunity to pursue a career path within the food and hospitality industry. The refill Jackson Initiative's mission is "to empower young adults, ages 18 to 24, so that they're more confident, better equipped, and motivated to enter into, navigate, and stay in the workforce. RJI will have a 10-week training program during which time the participant gains both classroom and first hand experience at Refill Cafe." Some additional things that the program includes for participants include 10-months follow-up support, including paid internships, opportunities for further education and full-time employment. "There will be a total of seven trainings annually with 12-16 participants each."
There are so many ways that you can become involved and invest in this wonderful organization and cafe. Head to their website for more information. And make sure to visit Refill Cafe In Jackson, Mississippi, when they re-open in the new year!. Comments are closed.
March 2024