The Boys and Girls Club of Central Mississippi first originated in 1937 on Hiawatha Street and was home to over 400 young boys in the area. However, girls did participate in activities and programs, and it was not until 1990 that the organization officially changed its name to The Boys and Girls Club.
The main goal of The Boys and Girls Club is to provide a safe and fun atmosphere for kids and teens outside of school hours. Community and service are two very important values to the club because the club was created to bring together the community and be able to serve and give back to kids of all ages. Programs are offered throughout the club to help the youth grow academically, develop leadership skills, and to help find themselves!
A few of the programs that The Boys and Girls Club offers are Academic, Character & Leadership, and Health. Their academic programs strive to create opportunities for the youth both in and outside of the classroom. Their character & leadership programs work to empower the youth to not only try in the classroom but to just be a good citizen and to lead a positive life. The club teaches and work to enforce the importance of healthily lifestyle through their health programs. A few of their health programs include Smart Girls, Passport to Manhood, and SMART Moves.
There are also many ways to become involved with The Boys and Girls Club like volunteering or by making a donation. You can visit their website at for more information on how to give back to the club and how to get involved not only in Central Mississippi but all over the state and country! And don’t forget y’all to get inspired!