The 2023 Buddy Walk will host over 1,500 participants that will form teams in honor of their buddies. This year’s theme will be “Buddies Under the Big Top” and will not only consist of a group walk, but there will also be games, lunch, entertainment, and a raffle prize at the end!
The Buddy Walk originated in 1995 as a way to celebrate Down Syndrome Awareness Month which is in October! The idea behind the walk was to raise awareness and to create a safe place of inclusion for kids and adults with Down Syndrome. Today, there are more than 300 walks nationwide and more than $12 million is raised every year worldwide to support any and all local programs.
The Central Mississippi Down Syndrome Society was created to provide support, education, and advocacy for individuals with Down Syndrome and their families. The Central Mississippi Down Syndrome Society offers an endless number of activities and classes for individuals like dance and art classes along with other fun things game nights. The CMDSS also offers educational seminars and support groups for new and current parents to ensure that no one feels alone and can always have someone to lean on.
If you are wanting to sponsor or participate in this year’s Buddy Walk, you can visit their website at or email [email protected] if you have any other questions. If you are also wanting to volunteer at the walk or at the CMDSS, they are always super welcoming and always looking for volunteers! This truly is an event full of love and happiness and it is one that you do not want to miss out on! And don’t forget y’all, to get inspired!