The International Ballet Competition premiered in Varna, Bulgaria, in 1964 and eventually grew into a cycle of ballet competitions that rotated among the three cities of Varna, Moscow and Tokyo. In 1978, well-known dancer, ballet educator, and author Thalia Mara initiated the effort to bring the first International Ballet Competition to the United States. The first USA International Ballet Competition was held in June 1979, showcasing 70 dancers from 15 countries. In 1982, the United States Congress passed a Joint Resolution designating Jackson as the official home of the International Ballet Competition. The second USA IBC was held the same summer and was featured in a 90-minute ABC/PBS film, To Dance for Gold, which aired around the world. In 2010, founder Thalia Mara and the USA IBC were honored as “American Masterpieces” by the National Endowment of the Arts through the Mississippi Arts Commision. Currently, the competition rotates between Moscow, Russia; Jackson, Mississippi; Varna, Bulgaria; and Helsinki, Finland.
In the international ballet community, Jackson is very well-known. “Jackson is fair, the standards are high, and there is so much integrity within the competition,” says Nicholas. “The USA IBC has a great reputation and it is the goal of many young artists to ‘dance in Jackson.’” Nicholas says the people of Mississippi and Jackson also deserve the credit for the USA IBC’s popularity. “The community rolls out the red carpet for the competitors. All they have to do is get here and Jackson takes care of them.”
Volunteers are an integral part of the competition. It takes over 600 volunteers to help put the competition on. Volunteers range from people that help prepare Thalia Mara Hall for the competition to dancer ambassadors or host families. Dancer ambassadors are assigned to a dancers and they are their point person while they are in Jackson.
“If it weren’t for Thalia Mara and her vision and many community leaders including Billy Mounger, the USA IBC would not be in Jackson,” remarks Nicholas. “We want to carry on her dream and her vision.” Almost 40 years ago, Thalia Mara put Jackson on the map in the international ballet community. Because of her tireless efforts and the community support of so many in Jackson, the USA IBC remains one of the oldest and most respected dance competitions in the world.
To learn more about USA IBC, please visit
You can also purchase tickets for the 2018 competition that is taking place June 10th through the 23rd on the website.
Piece written by Jill Dale
Photography by Richard Finkelstein, USA IBC