We are so thrilled to have gotten the opportunity to chat with with Whitney Gladden, the current holder of the Mrs. Mississippi United States title, personal trainer, and Advocare representative. Whitney is truly an inspiration to us all and we admire her positivity so much. Keep reading for more on her story, and let yourself be inspired on this beautiful Friday afternoon! |
Originally, I am from Monroe, Louisiana. I was born and raised there, and I went to the same school all my life, Ouachita Christian. When I graduated from high school, I attended the University of Louisiana Monroe on academic and choral scholarships. After graduation, I never thought I'd leave Monroe, but God sometimes leads us on a path we don't expect! I ended up moving to Las Vegas for a change of scenery, and began working as an athletic trainer Las Vegas Athletic Clubs. I loved it, but I didn't think it could be a lifelong career. I began looking at professional schools, and it seemed like the LSAT (the law school qualification exam) was all the parts of the ACT that I did well on, leaving out the math and science. So I assumed I must be cut out to be a lawyer! I ended up being accepted at Mississippi College School of Law with a scholarship, with the hopes of becoming a prosecutor. One internship later, I knew that was not for me; luckily I was accepted to a clerkship at an insurance defense firm. Even luckier for me, this is where I met my now husband, Lee Gladden. We married just before graduation. After law school graduation, I worked at another insurance defense firm in town. During the next few years, we became the parents of two incredible children, Tucker and Macy. Every morning I left for the law firm, I left my whole heart with them, and I knew something had to change. So I started a direct sales business on the side and was able to grow the income enough to retire from my law practice within about 6 months of beginning. I have been at home with them ever since!
{What has winning Mrs. Mississippi United States meant to you?}
What an amazing opportunity this has been, and it's only been three months! I very much look forward to the rest of the year as Mrs. Mississippi United States. Pageantry sometimes does not get the credit it is due. Not only do you have to be studious and disciplined, sharp and focused, but you must also have a kind heart and a strong passion for your platform. Having a crown is like having a megaphone - and it has been so wonderful to use the voice it's given me to raise awareness regarding the childhood obesity epidemic. I am so passionate about changing the statistics in Mississippi through Generation Fit: a Campaign for Healthy Kids. It's up to us as adults to not only be good examples of health and fitness for our children, but also to educate them on necessary physical activity and healthy food choices to sustain healthy habits for life. Healthy minds and bodies are fundamental to wellness, and ultimately long, successful lives.
I've been with AdvoCare for 8 years now, and I can't imagine a day without it. From Spark first thing in the morning to Nighttime Recovery before bed to help not be so sore from the tough workouts I do, it's definitely woven into my entire day! It was introduced to me in a funny way - I was 6 months pregnant with my daughter, and my 18 month old was at home playing...with a babysitter. I was at the office on a Sunday afternoon, and quite irritated about it. So I hopped on Facebook and typed, "I think I'm going to get back into personal training." Of course this was tongue-in-cheek, as I knew there was no way we could afford our lifestyle if I was not practicing law (alongside my husband, who is also a lawyer). A friend reached out to introduce me to AdvoCare as a way to earn extra income and go part time at the law firm. I knew, of course, that this was impossible - in my world, you either practiced or you didn't. There was no part time, there was just all the time. And I wasn't about to take on more responsibility - but I knew I needed some healthier options, because I was trying to survive on coffee and breakfast pastries. My OB approved Spark as a replacement for my 1 coffee per day, and I replaced the tarts with a Meal Replacement Shake each morning, and immediately knew I was on the right track. After I had Macy, of course there was about 5 pounds that would not come off no matter what I did. I did AdvoCare's 24 Day Jumpstart, lost 9 pounds in 3 weeks and felt better than I had felt since college. I couldn't imagine not feeling that way, so I stayed with it, and am still with it 8 years later, healthier and fitter than I've ever been. I LOVE that it's not a "weight loss" program, but it's a "get healthy" regimen...so when your body doesn't need to lose weight, it won't. It just becomes healthier, fitter, more resilient. Now, I help other people do the same thing. Of course with great products there's a great opportunity - and I saw that pretty quickly after seeing first hand what kind of results the products could deliver. Now I get to help people get healthier physically and financially, and I don't have to live by the billable hour anymore - it's one of the best decisions I ever made.
I am blessed to be surrounded every day by my biggest inspirations: my husband and kids. My husband Lee is one of the best attorneys in Mississippi. Not only do his clients love him and his charming personality, but he also works very hard at what he does to get the best possible results for them. Even before we were dating, I admired his intelligence and diligence in the way he worked a case. It's inspiring for sure that he is still so in love with his work fifteen years into his career! My kids inspire me in a different way - their hearts are so pure and sweet. On the way home from their grandparents a few months ago, they decided they wanted to help homeless people. So they started The Provision Project - an organization that collects supplies for the homeless population in Jackson, Mississippi. Their first drive recently was quite successful, with everything from deodorant and bug spray to an entire pallet of water donated by people across the south to help Jackson's homeless. The kids chose to work with We Will Go Ministries, and plan to continue working with them in the future. They even want to volunteer there this summer! At ages 7 and 9, I know that I didn't think to do things like that, and I am a proud mom that they have.
I am blessed to have a lot of freedom in life since choosing to build a business I can work from anywhere. After the national pageant this summer, I plan to hold kids events around Mississippi centered around physical activity and healthy food choices. The more kids and parents with whom I can interact, the more education will be shared, and the better chance we give our children for long, healthy lives!
{What’s one piece of advice you would give anyone trying to achieve a goal?}
Stick with it and don't doubt yourself! We can be our best cheerleaders or our worst enemies, and it all hinges on what we think to ourselves, and about ourselves. Take a mental inventory each morning - what are you saying as you get up? As you look in the mirror? As you walk out the door? If it's anything less than "you are awesome, you are a Child of the King, you are worthy and YOU CAN DO IT..." start over! And secondly, trust the process. Rome was not built in a day, and your dreams won't be either. Keep going!
Whitney also provides online personal training services through her website - TeamWhit.com
To find out more about what goals Advocare could help you achieve, please visit leeandwhitney.com
To follow Whitney on Facebook click here. Whitney’s Instagram Handle is @whitneygladden.
|Photographs taken by Krisna Goodwin of Goodwin Photography| Family portraits by Kyle Hancock|